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Celebrating 165 Years 
of Ministry

Connecting with Us

Sunday Worship

We have one worship service every Sunday at 10am. Additionally, we live-stream our worship services to our YouTube and Facebook pages. You can listen to the service live from the parking lot on 104.5 FM.

Check out previous sermons by going to our Sermons & Videos page.

Kid's Club (Sunday School)

Children ages 4 through 5th grade are excused early in worship service to

attend class; parents can pick them up outside the worship center after the service.

This year we will be using the Simple Loved curriculum from Group. 

Youth Group

Our Youth Group for Middle and High School students typically meets on Sundays at 12:30pm at the church. Email the church office or Pastor if you're interested in taking part.


Wednesdays from 8:30 to 9:30am at Tim Hortons in Marysville on Gratiot Blvd.

(1st week of the month at Tim Hortons in St. Clair)

Pastor Curtis invites one and all to drop by, grab a coffee, and have a chat.



Last Monday of the month at 6:30pm

Monthly activities vary but always include fun, fellowship, and food!

Upcoming Events:

Contact Tracie Eschenburg (ministrydirector@umcmarysville) for more information

Men's Group 


Third Wednesday of the month at 8:00am

Come for coffee, doughnuts, and conversation

In Stiches

Wednesdays at 1:00pm

All are invited to come knit, crochet, craft, play cards or simply enjoy fellowship with one another

Stretch & Tone

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00am

A complete body workout and gentle stretches. All are welcome!

Women's Bible Study - Psaltarians

Wednesdays at 11:00am

Contact the church office to be connected with the leader and to learn more.

Pastor Led Bible Study

Tuesdays at 1:00pm

New study starting September 24: "Revelation"

Contact the church office for more information

Pub Theology

Wednesdays at 7:00

     McCormick's Bar & Grill 

Join Pastor Curtis for beer (or beverage of your choice), conversation, and God. All points of view welcome!

Bewitching Stitching.webp

Let people know about us by sporting Marysville UMC gear.
Shirts, vests, hoodies, hats, and more

Join our email list for weekly announcements and special event information.

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