Reaching Out and
Sharing God's Love
Monthly Mission Focus
January: Community Support Fund
February: Church World Service Blankets
March: United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR)
April: Children's Bibles
May: United Methodist Annual Conference missions in Liberia
and Haiti
June: Huron House and Recovery Homes
July: School Supplies for local children
August: Local Youth Shelters
September: Missionary Support
October: First Responders
November: Marysville SOS Food Pantry
December: Methodist Children's Home
Giving Tree
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Coffee Hour treats
Contact Tracie Eschenburg ( if you would like to volunteer
Parish Life
Our Parish Life team reaches out to church families in many ways. Some of their projects include:
Prayer shawls and newborn blankets
Encouragement cards and gifts
Special recognitions and celebrations
Lunch and Learn events
Homebound outreach
Contact Cathy Kota if you are interested in joining this ministry team.
Annual Mission Trips
Each summer youth and adults travel to serve in other parts of our country.
Current Fundraising Efforts:
Drop your cans/bottles off by the back door and the youth will return them!
Serving within the Church
There are LOTS of places within our church that persons can serve and put their faith into action. Contact the church office if you would like to do any of the following on Sunday mornings and you will be connected with the organizer.
Greet Worshipers
Serve Communion
Read Scripture
Sing in the Choir (practice Thursday's @ 4:00)
Hospitality/Coffee Hour
Technology Support
Teach Sunday School