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March 28, 2021: "Palm Sunday"

Mark 11:1-11

Remembering the celebration that was Jesus coming back into town, and preparing for what we now know was to come later that week.

Click or Tap Here to watch on YouTube


April 1, 2021: "Maundy Thursday"

Remembering the night in which Jesus gathered with His Disciples to wash their feet, and take part in what would become The Last Supper.

Click or Tap Here to watch on YouTube


April 2, 2021: "Good Friday"

Remembering the night in which our Lord gave Himself up for us, dying on the Cross to save us from our sins.

Click or Tap Here to watch on YouTube


April 4, 2021: "Easter Sunday"

Luke 24:1-12

Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed!!
Click or Tap Here to Watch on YouTube


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