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September 11th: Finding The Lost

Luke 15:1–10

Worship is not only about receiving marching orders or getting our weekly assignments. But it can be a reminder that we are a people with a mission and that we cannot be content with the status quo.

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September 4th: “Headed Home”

Luke 15:11-32

Sometimes we leave home with great expectations and hopes. But somewhere along the road
we get off track, and the best decision is to head home. Many important lessons of life can be

found on the road home.

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August 28th: “Road Less Traveled”

When Jesus sends us out, sometimes the road is difficult and even dangerous. We can avoid the Jericho roads of life, or we can take them to serve Jesus. We are invited to travel the Jericho Roads in our communities with eyes open and offer our service to another in need.

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August 21st: U-Turn

Have you ever thought you were headed in the right direction, only to discover you are way off course? This week we will examine the story of the Apostle Paul’s U-turn in life. Paul’s life takes a radical turn when he hears Jesus. How does Jesus direct us to turn around?

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August 14th: “It’s Worth Stopping For”

When taking a road trip, the journey matters as much as the arrival at your destination. Every road trip should include a can’t miss stop along the route. It is just as important in our faith journeys not to miss the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

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August 7th: “Hit The Road”

Jesus sent out his apostles to make disciples of all the world. We have been sent to do the same.

How do we prepare for this lifelong journey of faith?

Matthew 28:16–20

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