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November 13th : “For God So Loved”
Psalm 98
When we focus our time, our talents, our efforts and our giving on what God can do, amazing things can happens
November 6th : “Overflowing Blessings”
2 Corinthians 9:11–15
When you release the blessings you have been given,
they will overflow into the world in indescribable ways.
October30th :“Blessed People Bless Others”
2 Corinthians 9:6–10 All that we are and all that we have come from God. We are stewards through whom God is blessing the world.
October 23rd : “A Legacy of Blessings”
2 Corinthians 9:1–5 Through Jesus’ gift of salvation, we are called to live into our legacy of giving generously of the grace we have received
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